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/ Personal Computer World 2009 February / PCWFEB09.iso / Software / Resources / Portable Applications / Portable Bookmarks 2.1 / PortableBookmarksSetup.exe / {app} / Languages / English.lng < prev    next >
Text (UTF-16)  |  2007-11-19  |  103KB  |  1,190 lines

  1. [TfrmMain]
  2. LeftCaption.Items[0]=Maximize
  3. LeftCaption.Items[1]=Restore
  4. LeftCaption.Items[2]=View Mode
  5. LeftTabCollection.Caption=Collection
  6. LeftTabWebBrowser.Caption=Web browser
  7. LeftTabProperties.Caption=Properties
  8. TBMainMenu.Caption=Main menu
  9. mmiFile.Caption=&File
  10. ActionFileNew.Caption=New collection...
  11. ActionFileOpen.Caption=Open...
  12. ActionFileReopenCurrent.Caption=Reopen in other panel
  13. ActionFileReopen.Caption=Reopen
  14. ActionFileSave.Caption=Save
  15. ActionFileSaveAs.Caption=Save as...
  16. ActionFileSaveAll.Caption=Save all
  17. ActionFileBackupCollection.Caption=Back up collection...
  18. ActionFileSynchronizeWithBackup.Caption=Synchronize with backup copy...
  19. SendByEmail.Caption=Send collection by email...
  20. ActionFileClose.Caption=Close
  21. mmiImport.Caption=Import...
  22. mmiExport.Caption=Export...
  23. ActionFileEnterPassword.Caption=Enter password...
  24. ActionFileLockProtectedFolders.Caption=Lock protected folders
  25. ActionFileExit.Caption=Exit
  26. mmiEdit.Caption=&Edit
  27. ActionCut.Caption=Cut
  28. ActionCopy.Caption=Copy
  29. ActionCopyLinkAddress.Caption=Copy link address
  30. ActionPast.Caption=Paste
  31. ActionSelectAll.Caption=Select all
  32. mmiAction.Caption=&Actions
  33. ActionOpenLink.Caption=Open link
  34. ActionAdd.Caption=Add
  35. ActionAddToFavorites.Caption=Add to Favorites...
  36. ActionRename.Caption=Rename
  37. ActionDelete.Caption=Delete
  38. ActionCopyTo.Caption=Copy to
  39. ActionMoveTo.Caption=Move to
  40. ActionRefreshFavicons.Caption=Refresh Favicon(s)
  41. ActionClearFavicons.Caption=Clear Favicon(s)
  42. ActionProperties.Caption=Properties...
  43. TBXSubmenuItem2.Caption=Verifi&cation
  44. ActionVerifyLink.Caption=Verify link(s)
  45. ActionVerifyAllLinks.Caption=Verify all
  46. ActionVerifyNotVerifiedLinks.Caption=Verify not verified links
  47. ActionStopVerification.Caption=Stop verification
  48. ActionHideVerifyMarks.Caption=Hide mark(s)
  49. ActionHideAllVerifyMarks.Caption=Hide all marks
  50. ActionShowVerifyMarks.Caption=Show mark(s)
  51. ActionShowAllVerifyMarks.Caption=Show all marks
  52. ActionDeleteBrokenLinks.Caption=Delete broken link(s)
  53. ActionDeleteAllBrokenLinks.Caption=Delete all broken links
  54. View1.Caption=&View
  55. mmiShowToolBars.Caption=Toolbars
  56. TBShowFileBar.Caption=File
  57. TBShowActionBar.Caption=Actions
  58. TBShowVerificationBar.Caption=Verification bar
  59. TBShowViewBar.Caption=View
  60. TBShowToolsBar.Caption=Tools
  61. TBShowFavoritesBar.Caption=Favorites
  62. mmiLockedPosition.Caption=Lock the toolbars
  63. mmiCustomizeToolbars.Caption=Customize...
  64. mmiShowStatusBars.Caption=Status bars
  65. mmiShowCaptions.Caption=Captions
  66. mmiShowTabs.Caption=Tabs
  67. mmiStayOnTop.Caption=Stay on top
  68. TBMainViewMode.Caption=View mode (active panel)
  69. TBToolBarViewMode.Caption=View mode
  70. TBMenuSort.Caption=Sort collection
  71. ActionSwapPanels.Caption=Swap panels
  72. Tools1.Caption=&Tools
  73. ActionSearch.Caption=Search...
  74. ActionSynchronize.Caption=Synchronize...
  75. ActionFindDuplicates.Caption=Find duplicates...
  76. btnFindDuplicates.Caption=Find duplicates
  77. TBXItem7.Caption=Organize IE Favorites...
  78. ActionBrowserMonitor.Caption=Supervisor
  79. TBLaunchBrowser.Caption=Launch browser
  80. ActionShowTrap.Caption=Drop Trap
  81. mmiLanguage.Caption=Language
  82. ActionSettings.Caption=Settings...
  83. TBMenuFavorites.Caption=Fav&orites
  84. Help1.Caption=&Help
  85. HelpContents.Caption=Contents
  86. mmiKeyboard.Caption=Keyboard
  87. HelpTips.Caption=Tip of the day...
  88. HelpHomePage.Caption=Home page
  89. HelpSupport.Caption=Support via email
  90. Feedback.Caption=Feedback
  91. mmiCheckForUpdate.Caption=Check for update...
  92. mmiOrder.Caption=How to order Link Commander?
  93. mmiRegistration.Caption=Registration...
  94. HelpAbout.Caption=About Link Commander...
  95. mmiOrderNow.Caption=Online ®istration
  96. mmiOrderNow.Hint=Register your copy of Link Commander
  97. TBFile.Caption=File
  98. TBItem1.Caption=New
  99. TBItem1.Hint=New collection
  100. TBSubmenuItem1.Caption=Open
  101. btnLock.Caption=Lock
  102. TBAction.Caption=Actions
  103. TBItem4.Caption=Add to Favorites
  104. TBItem9.Caption=Move
  105. TBTools.Caption=Tools
  106. btnSearch.Caption=Search
  107. btnSynchronize.Caption=Synchronize
  108. TBSubmenuItem3.Caption=Launch
  109. ActionFavorites.Caption=Modify Favorites
  110. TBFavoritesButton.Caption=Favorites
  111. TBItem13.Caption=Settings
  112. TBView.Caption=View
  113. TBToolBarSort.Caption=Sort
  114. TBVerification.Caption=Verification
  115. TBItem5.Caption=Verify
  116. TBItem6.Caption=Stop
  117. ActionAddLink.Caption=New link...
  118. ActionAddFolder.Caption=New folder...
  119. TBSortByName.Caption=By name
  120. TBSortByPriority.Caption=By priority
  121. TBSortByStateImage.Caption=By state image
  122. TBSortByCreation.Caption=By creation date/time
  123. TBSortByVisitCount.Caption=By visit count
  124. TBSortByLastVisit.Caption=By last visit date/time
  125. TBSortReversedOrder.Caption=Reversed order
  126. TBSortFoldersFirst.Caption=Folders first
  127. TBSortLinksFirst.Caption=Links first
  128. mmiActivate.Caption=Activate
  129. mmiDropTrapSize.Caption=Size
  130. mmiDropTrapTransparent.Caption=Transparent
  131. mmiDropTrapAnimation.Caption=Animation
  132. TBTrayAdd.Caption=Add link to collection
  133. mmiViewModeTreeView.Caption=Tree view
  134. mmiViewModeListView.Caption=List view
  135. ActionUndoEx.Caption=Undo
  136. ActionRedoEx.Caption=Redo
  137. mmiIEPasswords.Caption=Auto-complete passwords...
  138. mmiIEProtectedSites.Caption=Password-protected sites...
  139. mmiMakePortableLC.Caption=Make Portable Link Commander...
  140. InsertSpecialSymbol.Caption=Insert special symbol
  141. mmiState.Caption=State image
  143. [TfrmBrowserMonitor]
  144. tsLinks.Caption=Active Links
  145. gbTarget.Caption=Target
  146. lblFolderType.Caption=Folder type
  147. lblFolder.Caption=Folder
  148. cmbFolderType.Items[0]=Root Folder
  149. cmbFolderType.Items[1]=Current Folder
  150. cmbFolderType.Items[2]=Custom
  151. AddChecked.Caption=Add checked...
  152. AddAll.Caption=Add all...
  153. Tree.Header[0]=Name
  154. Tree.Header[1]=Address (URL)
  155. AddToFavorites.Caption=Add link to Favorites
  156. TBItem9.Caption=Copy address
  157. BringAppToFront.Caption=Bring application to front
  158. TBItem10.Caption=Bring to front
  159. tsClipboard.Caption=Clipboard History
  160. CBClearList.Caption=Clear list
  161. TBItem6.Caption=Clear
  162. tsHistory.Caption=History
  163. tsApps.Caption=Applications
  164. chkBrowsersOnly.Caption=Show browsers only
  165. lblAppVersionTitle.Caption=Version
  166. chkChangeOnFly.Caption=Change size/position on the fly
  167. chkLockDesktop.Caption=Lock Desktop boundaries
  168. AppBringToBack.Caption=Send to back
  169. AppMinimize.Caption=Minimize
  170. btnAppMinimizeAll.Caption=Minimize all
  171. tsBrowsers.Caption=Browsers
  172. DeveloperHomePage.Caption=Developer home page
  173. TBItem1.Caption=Home
  174. chkDesktopShortcut.Caption=Shortcut on Desktop
  175. chkQuickLaunchShortcut.Caption=Shortcut on Quick Launch bar
  176. gbDefaultBrowser.Caption=Default browser
  177. gbDefaultViewer.Caption=Default viewer
  178. mmiShowStatusBar.Caption=Status bar
  179. chkIncludeInList.Caption=Include this application in the list of web browsers
  181. [TfrmTips]
  182. frmTips.Caption=Tip of the day
  183. chkStartup.Caption=Do not display at startup
  184. Label1.Caption=Did you know...
  185. TBPrevious.Hint=Previous tip (Page Up)
  186. TBNext.Hint=Next tip (Page Down)
  188. [TfrmPassword]
  189. lblPassword.Caption=Password
  190. btnRemind.Caption=&Remind
  191. lblLanguage.Hint=Current language
  192. lblCapsLock.Caption=CAPS
  193. lblCapsLock.Hint=CapsLock is on
  194. lblNumLock.Caption=NUM
  195. lblNumLock.Hint=NumLock is on
  197. [TfrmProtectedStorage]
  198. frmProtectedStorage.Caption=Protected storage
  199. lblCategory.Caption=Category
  200. ActionCopyTitle.Caption=Title
  202. [TfrmImport]
  203. PageIE.Caption=Options
  204. gbIESource.Caption=Source
  205. cmbIESourceFolderType.Items[0]=Current User Favorites
  206. cmbIESourceFolderType.Items[1]=Common Favorites
  207. chkRootFolder.Caption=Don't create root folder
  208. chkEmptyFolders.Caption=Don't import empty folders
  209. chkDuplicates.Caption=Don't import duplicates
  210. lblNSSourceFile.Caption=Bookmarks
  211. chkNSSourceProfile.Caption=Profile
  212. PageContent.Caption=Content
  213. PageHTML.Caption=Document
  215. [TfrmSelectFolder]
  216. frmSelectFolder.Caption=Collection folders
  217. btnNewFolder.Caption=&New folder
  219. [TfrmSettings]
  220. chkAutorun.Caption=Run the program automatically with Windows start
  221. chkStartMinimized.Caption=Start minimized
  222. chkMinimizeOnClose.Caption=Minimize on close
  223. chkMinimizeOnEscape.Caption=Minimize on Escape
  224. chkMinimizeToTray.Caption=Minimize to System Tray
  225. chkDenyAccess.Caption=Deny access to protected folders on minimizing
  226. chkCheckVersion.Caption=Automatically check newer version
  227. chkWindowsExplorerItem.Caption=Show the program's item in the Windows Explorer context menu
  228. chkDenyAccessCollections.Caption=Deny access to protected collections on minimizing
  229. gbHKShow.Caption=Show/hide
  230. lblHKPopupFV.Caption=Favorites menu
  231. gbHKRoll.Caption=Roll up/down
  232. lblHKAutoCompletePasswords.Caption=Auto-complete password
  233. chkSameViewMode.Caption=The same view mode for both of panels
  234. gbCaptionButtons.Caption=Caption buttons
  235. gbMenus.Caption=Menus
  236. lblMenuStyle.Caption=Style
  237. chkMenuImages.Caption=Show images
  238. cmbMenuStyle.Items[0]=Standard
  239. cmbMenuStyle.Items[1]=Office XP
  240. cmbMenuStyle.Items[2]=Office 2003
  241. cmbMenuStyle.Items[3]=Stripes
  242. cmbMenuStyle.Items[4]=LongHorn
  243. gbRollUp.Caption=Roll-up
  244. chkRollUpPosition.Caption=Independent position
  245. chkRollUpTransparent.Caption=Transparent
  246. chkShowFavicons.Caption=Show Favicons (if available)
  247. gbConfirmations.Caption=Get confirmation before
  248. chkConfirmDeleteFolder.Caption=Deleting folders
  249. chkConfirmDeleteLink.Caption=Deleting links
  250. chkConfirmCopy.Caption=Copying/moving links and folders
  251. chkConfirmDragDrop.Caption=Drag'n'drop operations (adding/copying/moving with mouse)
  252. chkConfirmDeleteFavoriteLink.Caption=Deleting favorite links
  253. chkConfirmAddTrap.Caption=Adding through the Drop Trap
  254. chkConfirmDeleteDuplicates.Caption=Deleting duplicates
  255. chkConfirmDeleteBrokenLinks.Caption=Deleting broken links
  256. chkConfirmAddDuplicates.Caption=Adding duplicates
  257. chkConfirmOpeningMultipleLinks.Caption=Opening multiple links simultaneously
  258. lblClipboardHistoryDepth.Caption=Clipboard history depth
  259. gbAutoSave.Caption=Autosave
  260. lblSavePeriod.Caption=Period (min)
  261. chkSaveOnMinimize.Caption=Save on minimize
  262. chkSavePeriodically.Caption=Save periodically
  263. chkSaveOnExit.Caption=Save on exit
  264. chkIncludeApplications.Caption=Include running applications in the list of active links
  265. gbMouseClickMode.Caption=Mouse click mode
  266. rbDoubleClick.Caption=Double-click to open an item
  267. rbSingleClick.Caption=Single-click to open an item
  268. rbSystemClick.Caption=System default
  269. lblUserAgent.Caption=User agent
  270. edUserAgent.ButtonHint=Get from Internet Explorer
  271. gbUseProxy.Caption=Use proxy
  272. lblProxyHost.Caption=Address
  273. lblProxyPort.Caption=Port
  274. lblProxyUser.Caption=Username
  275. btnAutoDetect.Caption=&Auto detect
  276. chkUseIESettings.Caption=Use Internet Explorer settings
  277. chkVerReplace.Caption=Auto replace link address if it moved permanently
  278. gbVerification.Caption=Default options
  279. lblVerTimeout.Caption=Timeout (sec)
  280. lblVerAttempts.Caption=Attempts
  281. lblWBZoom.Caption=Default text size
  282. cmbWBZoom.Items[2]=Medium
  283. gbWBDownLoadOptions.Caption=Default download options
  284. lblWBLoadImages.Caption=Images
  285. chkWBLoadVideos.Caption=Load videos
  286. chkWBLoadSounds.Caption=Load sounds
  287. chkWBAllowScripts.Caption=Allow scripts
  288. chkWBAllowJavaApplets.Caption=Allow Java applets
  289. chkWBAllowActiveX.Caption=Allow ActiveX
  290. cmbWBLoadImages.Items[0]=Load images
  291. cmbWBLoadImages.Items[1]=Don't load images
  292. cmbWBLoadImages.Items[2]=Show cached images only
  293. chkWBOpenFav.Caption=Always open Favorites in new page
  294. chkWBOpenLink.Caption=Always open collection links in new page
  295. GroupBox1.Caption=Page buttons
  296. lblWBPagesLimit.Caption=Limit length (characters)
  297. chkWBPagesMultipleLines.Caption=Display on multiple lines
  298. chkWBShowFavicons.Caption=Show Favicons on the address bar
  299. chkWBShowGooglePR.Caption=Show Google PageRank
  300. gbButtons.Caption=Buttons
  301. lblFilesAndProtocols.Caption=Please select protocols and file types to associate with Link Commander
  302. lblColorsSelected.Caption=Selected item(s)
  303. gbColorsPriorities.Caption=Priorities
  304. lblColorsHighest.Caption=Highest
  305. lblColorsHigher.Caption=Higher
  306. lblColorsHigh.Caption=High
  307. lblColorsLow.Caption=Low
  308. lblColorsLower.Caption=Lower
  309. lblColorsLowest.Caption=Lowest
  310. gbColorsExample.Caption=Example
  311. lblColorsHighestExample.Caption=Highest priority
  312. lblColorsHigherExample.Caption=Higher priority
  313. lblColorsHighExample.Caption=High priority
  314. lblColorsLowExample.Caption=Low priority
  315. lblColorsLowerExample.Caption=Lower priority
  316. lblColorsLowestExample.Caption=Lowest priority
  317. lblColorsFocusedSelectedExample.Caption=Focused selected item
  318. btnColorsDefault.Caption=Set &default
  319. Label1.Caption=Please select search engines you would like to use for search
  320. lblSEDefault.Caption=Default engine
  321. chkSENewPage.Caption=Show results in a new page
  322. btnSEMoveUp.Caption=Move &up
  323. btnSEMoveDown.Caption=Move &down
  324. btnSESelectAll.Caption=&Select all
  325. btnSEUnselectAll.Caption=&Unselect all
  326. gbHomePage.Caption=Internet Explorer home page
  327. btnHomePageCurrent.Caption=Use ¤t
  328. btnHomePageBlank.Caption=Use &blank
  329. chkHomePage.Caption=Open Internet Explorer home page when Link Commander starts
  330. GroupBox3.Caption=Extra home pages
  331. btnHPAdd.Caption=&Add
  332. chkExtraHomePages.Caption=Open extra home pages when Link Commander starts
  333. btnHPDelete.Caption=&Delete
  334. btnHPDeleteAll.Caption=D&elete all
  335. lblFavSearchDepth.Caption=Search depth
  336. lblFavRefresh.Caption=Refresh Favicons in each
  337. lblFavRefresh2.Caption=days (0 - never)
  338. chkFavSearch.Caption=Search for Favicons
  339. cmbFavSearchDepth.Items[0]=Minimal (less traffic)
  340. cmbFavSearchDepth.Items[1]=Normal
  341. cmbFavSearchDepth.Items[2]=Maximal (more traffic)
  342. gbVerThreads.Caption=Simultaneous threads
  344. [TfrmCopyItem]
  345. lblName.Caption=As
  346. chkDoNotShow.Caption=Do not show this dialog again
  348. [TfrmQuestion]
  349. btnYes.Caption=&Yes
  350. btnNo.Caption=&No
  352. [TfrmSynchronize]
  353. lblSynchronizationType.Caption=Synchronization &type
  354. chkCompareNames.Caption=&Names
  355. chkCompareDescriptions.Caption=&Descriptions
  356. chkCompareNicknames.Caption=Short na&mes
  357. chkCompareKeywords.Caption=&Keywords
  358. cmbSynchronizationType.Items[0]=Links only
  359. cmbSynchronizationType.Items[1]=Links and folders
  360. chkSubfolders.Caption=&Subfolders
  361. btnLeftToRight.Hint=Links to copy from left to right
  362. btnEqual.Hint=Equal links
  363. btnUnequal.Hint=Unequal links
  364. btnRightToLeft.Hint=Links to copy from right to left
  365. btnCompare.Caption=C&ompare
  366. btnSynchronize.Caption=S&ynchronize
  367. mmiCheckFolderLinks.Caption=Check folder links (default direction)
  368. mmiUncheckFolderLinks.Caption=Uncheck folder links
  369. mmiRemoveFolderFromList.Caption=Remove folder from list
  370. mmiLeftLinkProperties.Caption=Left link properties...
  371. mmiRightLinkProperties.Caption=Right link properties...
  372. mmiRemoveFromList.Caption=Remove from list
  373. mmiDeleteLeft.Caption=Delete left link...
  374. mmiDeleteRight.Caption=Delete right link...
  376. [TfrmAbout]
  377. lblLicensed.Caption=This program licensed to:
  379. [TfrmFavorites]
  380. ActionEdit.Caption=Edit
  381. ActionMoveUp.Caption=Move up
  382. TBItem4.Caption=Up
  383. ActionMoveDown.Caption=Move down
  384. TBItem5.Caption=Down
  385. ActionSortAsc.Caption=Ascending
  386. ActionSortAsc.Hint=Sort by name (ascending)
  387. ActionSortDesc.Caption=Descending
  388. ActionSortDesc.Hint=Sort by name (descending)
  389. lblBrowser.Caption=Browser
  390. ActionApplyAndReturn.Caption=Apply and return
  391. ActionCancelChanges.Caption=Cancel changes
  392. TBItem10.Caption=Cancel
  393. ActionFirst.Hint=First record
  394. ActionPrior.Hint=Previous record
  395. ActionNext.Hint=Next record
  396. ActionLast.Hint=Last record
  397. mmiSaveAsCopy.Caption=Save as copy...
  398. mmiImportFromCopy.Caption=Import from copy...
  399. Exit1.Caption=Exit
  400. lblHotKey.Caption=Hot key
  402. [TfrmFindDuplicates]
  403. gbSearchFolder.Caption=Search folder
  404. chkWholeAddresses.Caption=&Whole addresses (URLs) only
  405. btnFind.Caption=&Find
  406. mmiCheckAll.Caption=Check all
  407. mmiUncheckAll.Caption=Uncheck all
  408. gbChecking.Caption=Smart checking
  409. lblCriterion.Caption=Criterion
  410. chkAutoCheck.Caption=&Auto-checking
  411. btnCheck.Caption=C&heck
  412. btnClear.Caption=Cl&ear
  413. cmbCriterion.Items[0]=Keep oldest links
  414. cmbCriterion.Items[1]=Keep newest links
  415. cmbCriterion.Items[2]=Keep last modified links
  416. cmbCriterion.Items[3]=Keep last visited links
  417. cmbCriterion.Items[4]=Keep more visited links
  418. chkOnlyDuplicate.Caption=Keep the only duplicate in each group
  420. [TfrmExport]
  421. chkEmptyFolders.Caption=Don't export empty folders
  422. chkDuplicates.Caption=Don't export duplicates
  423. lblNetCaptorFile.Caption=Captor Group
  424. PageHTML.Caption=Preview
  426. [TfrmOverwrite]
  427. btnOverwrite.Caption=&Overwrite
  428. btnAdd.Caption=&Supplement
  430. [TSearchFrame]
  431. ActionSaveAs.Caption=Save as collection
  432. ActionMakeCollection.Caption=Make collection
  433. TBMakeCollectionEx.Caption=Make
  434. ActionRefresh.Caption=Refresh
  435. ActionMakeLeft.Caption=In the left panel
  436. ActionMakeRight.Caption=In the right panel
  437. mmiShowToolBar.Caption=Toolbar
  438. lblText.Caption=Search for
  439. lblDate.Caption=Search by
  440. lblPeriod.Caption=Period
  441. chkAddress.Caption=&Addresses (URLs)
  442. chkName.Caption=&Names
  443. chkDescription.Caption=&Descriptions
  444. chkCase.Caption=Case &sensitive
  445. chkWord.Caption=&Whole word
  446. chkKeywords.Caption=&Keywords
  447. ActionGoToLink.Caption=Go to link
  448. chkNickNames.Caption=Short na&mes
  449. lblCriterion.Caption=Criterion
  450. chkExcludeFiles.Caption=E&xclude files
  452. [TfrmNewCollectionWizard]
  453. frmNewCollectionWizard.Caption=New Collection Wizard
  454. Label1.Caption=The Wizard will take you through settings up a new collection step-by-step instructions.
  455. Label2.Caption=Link Commander works with Internet links organized in collections. To operate your favorite links, you need to create one collection at least.   Each  collection  has  to  have  its name and be stored in a separate add-in file with .lc extension.
  456. Label3.Caption=Enter collection name and its description, then click Next.
  457. lblDescription.Caption=Description (optional)
  458. Label7.Caption=Collection name
  459. Label9.Caption=Welcome to the Link Commander New Collection Wizard!
  460. Label4.Caption=Would you like to synchronize this collection with Internet Explorer Favorites automatically?
  461. Label6.Caption=To continue, click Next.
  462. rbIESyncYes.Caption=Yes, please synchronize this collection automatically.
  463. rbIESyncNo.Caption=No, do not synchronize.
  464. Label5.Caption=Select the sources from which you want to import Internet links into this new collection. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
  465. Label8.Caption=Wizard is now ready to create new collection. Click Finish to create the collection, or click Back to review or change any settings.
  466. btnBack.Caption=< &Back
  468. [TfrmError]
  469. lblInfo.Caption=An error occurred in the application.
  470. btnMailBug.Caption=&Mail bug report
  471. btnContinueApp.Caption=Continue &application
  472. btnRestartApp.Caption=&Restart application
  473. btnCloseApp.Caption=&Close application
  474. btnPrintBug.Caption=&Print bug report
  475. btnSaveBug.Caption=&Save bug report
  477. [TfrmRegistration]
  478. frmRegistration.Caption=Registration
  479. lblRegistrationKey.Caption=Please, enter your registration info:
  480. btnPaste.Caption=&Paste from clipboard
  481. btnRegister.Caption=&Register
  482. btnClose.Caption=&Close
  483. btnGetRegistrationKey.Caption=&Get registration key
  484. lblKey.Caption=Registration key
  486. [TfrmIESync]
  487. frmIESync.Caption=Synchronization with IE Favorites
  488. lblStage1.Caption=Scanning of Internet Explorer Favorites
  489. lblStage2.Caption=Search for links and folders for import
  490. lblStage3.Caption=Search for links and folders for export
  491. lblStage4.Caption=Import links and folders from Internet Explorer Favorites
  492. lblStage5.Caption=Export links and folders to Internet Explorer Favorites
  493. Label2.Caption=The collection is synchronized with Internet Explorer Favorites.
  494. Label1.Caption=Please wait.
  496. [TfrmCapture]
  497. frmCapture.Caption=Capture setup
  498. gbCapture.Caption=Capture
  499. rbCaptureDesktop.Caption=Desktop
  500. rbCaptureActiveWindow.Caption=Active window
  501. rbCaptureWindow.Caption=Window
  502. rbCaptureApplication.Caption=Application
  503. gbCaptureMethod.Caption=Method
  504. rbCaptureDelay.Caption=Delay (sec)
  505. chkCaptureClientArea.Caption=Client area
  506. chkCaptureHide.Caption=Hide Link Commander
  508. [TBrowserMainFrame]
  509. TBAddToCollection.Caption=Add to collection
  510. TBFindInCollection.Caption=Find
  511. TBFindInCollection.Hint=Find in collection
  512. TBZoomButton.Caption=Text size
  513. TBGoItem.Caption=Go
  514. TBCloseButton.Caption=Close page
  515. TBBackButtonEx.Caption=Back
  516. TBForwardButtonEx.Caption=Forward
  517. TBNewButton.Hint=New page
  518. TBShowPage.Caption=Show
  519. TBShowPage.Hint=Show page
  520. TBPageThumbnails.Caption=Thumbnails
  521. TBPageThumbnails.Hint=Show page thumbnails as hints
  522. TBPrevious.Hint=Previous page
  523. TBNext.Hint=Next page
  524. TBMoveUp.Hint=Move page up
  525. TBMoveDown.Hint=Move page down
  526. TBBlockPopupWindows.Caption=Block
  527. TBBlockPopupWindows.Hint=Block pop-up windows
  528. TBSaveAs.Caption=Save as
  529. TBPrint.Caption=Print
  530. TBPrintPreview.Caption=Print preview
  531. TBPageSetup.Caption=Page setup
  532. TBOptions.Caption=Internet options
  533. TBSearch.Caption=Search Tool
  534. TBWebSearch.Caption=Search Web
  535. TBPageSearch.Hint=Find the next occurrence of the keyword(s)<13><10>in the current page
  536. TBHighlight.Caption=Highlight
  537. TBHighlight.Hint=Toggle highlighting of the keyword(s)<13><10>on the current page
  538. chkExactPhrase.Caption=Exact phrase
  539. mmiNewEmptyPage.Caption=Empty page
  540. mmiNewCurrentPage.Caption=Duplicate current page
  541. mmiNewClipboard.Caption=Clipboard
  542. TBCloseAllButActive.Caption=Close all but active
  543. TBCloseAll.Caption=Close all
  544. TBPageThumbnailZoom.Caption=Zoom
  545. TBClearCache.Caption=Clear cache...
  546. TBClearHistory.Caption=Clear history...
  547. mmiTop.Caption=Top
  548. mmiBottom.Caption=Bottom
  549. mmiLeft.Caption=Left
  550. mmiRight.Caption=Right
  552. [TOpenDialogExFrame]
  553. gbPreview.Caption=Collection Preview
  554. lblName.Caption=Name:
  555. lblDescription.Caption=Description:
  556. lblCreated.Caption=Created:
  557. lblLinkCount.Caption=Link Count:
  558. lblFolderCount.Caption=Folder Count:
  560. [TFolderPropertiesFrame]
  561. lblDescription.Caption=Description
  562. lblCreated.Caption=Created
  563. lblLinkCount.Caption=Link count
  564. lblFolderCount.Caption=Folder count
  565. lblPriority.Caption=Priority
  566. chkIESync.Caption=Automatically synchronize with Internet Explorer Favorites
  567. tsSecurityEx.Caption=Security
  568. lblNewPassword2.Caption=Confirm password
  569. lblReminder.Caption=Reminder
  570. lblNote.Caption=Note: Enter any information you like that will help you recall the password.
  571. lblWarning.Caption=Protecting is performed by means of the password. In case the password is lost, restoring data becomes impossible.
  572. TBFirst.Hint=First
  573. TBPrevious.Hint=Previous
  574. TBNext.Hint=Next
  575. TBLast.Hint=Last
  577. [TLinkPropertiesFrame]
  578. tsGeneralEx.Caption=General
  579. tsImageEx.Caption=Image
  580. tsSEOEx.Caption=Details
  581. lblDescription.Caption=Description
  582. lblCreated.Caption=Created
  583. lblVisitCount.Caption=Visit count
  584. lblLastVisit.Caption=Last visit
  585. lblParentFolder.Caption=Parent folder
  586. lblBrowser.Caption=Preferable browser
  587. lblKeywords.Caption=Keywords
  588. tsAuthorizationEx.Caption=Authorization
  589. gbLoginInformation.Caption=Login information
  590. lblLoginUserName.Caption=User name
  591. lblLoginPassword.Caption=Password
  592. lblLoginNotes.Caption=Notes
  593. edLoginUserName.ButtonHint=Import from Internet Explorer
  594. btnLoginGenerate.Caption=&Generate random password...
  595. chkLoginExpiryDate.Caption=Expiry date
  596. gbLoginAutoCompleteSequence.Caption=Auto-complete sequence
  597. chkLoginThisPageOnly.Caption=Use the login information for this page only
  598. chkUseLoginInformation.Caption=Automatically use the login information to open this link in browser
  599. tsVerificationEx.Caption=Verification
  600. chkDoNotVerify.Caption=Do not verify this link
  601. gbLastVerification.Caption=Last verification
  602. lblLastVerDateTime.Caption=Time
  603. lblLastVerResult.Caption=Result
  604. gbVerCustomOptions.Caption=Custom options
  605. lblVerTimeout.Caption=Timeout (sec)
  606. lblVerAttempts.Caption=Attempts
  607. btnSnapshotDownload.Caption=Download
  608. btnSnapshotCapture.Caption=Capture...
  609. chkSnapshotFitWidth.Caption=Fit image to window width
  610. chkSnapshotFitHeight.Caption=Fit image to window height
  611. lblNickname.Caption=Short name
  612. btnSnapshotCrop.Caption=Crop...
  613. lblCropLeft.Caption=Left
  614. lblCropRight.Caption=Right
  615. lblCropTop.Caption=Top
  616. lblCropBottom.Caption=Bottom
  617. gbGooglePR.Caption=Google PR
  618. lblGooglePR.Caption=PageRank
  619. lblSEOLastChecked.Caption=Last checked
  620. btnSEOCheckNow.Caption=Check now
  621. lblAlexaSiteTitle.Caption=Site title
  622. lblAlexaTrafficRank.Caption=Traffic rank
  623. lblAlexaSpeed.Caption=Speed
  624. lblAlexaSites.Caption=Other sites that link to this site
  625. lblAlexaOnlineSince.Caption=Online since
  626. lblAlexaOwner.Caption=Owner
  627. lblAlexaAddress.Caption=Address
  628. lblAlexaCity.Caption=City
  629. lblAlexaState.Caption=State
  630. lblAlexaZip.Caption=Zip
  631. lblAlexaCountry.Caption=County
  632. lblAlexaPhone.Caption=Phone
  633. lblAlexaEmail.Caption=Email
  634. lblAlexaRelatedLinks.Caption=People who visit this page also visit:
  635. lblAlexaCategories.Caption=Look for similar sites by category:
  636. lblWebPageTitleBytes.Caption=Bytes
  637. lblWebPageTitleWords.Caption=Words
  638. lblWebPageLinksTotal.Caption=Total
  639. lblWebPageLinksExternal.Caption=External links
  640. lblWebPageLinksInternal.Caption=Internal links
  641. btnWebPageLinksAll.Caption=Show all links
  642. btnWebPageLinksExternal.Caption=Show external links only
  643. btnWebPageLinksInternal.Caption=Show internal links only
  644. lblWebPageLinks.Caption=Links from this web page to another web pages:
  645. lblWebPageHostIP.Caption=IP address
  646. lblWebPageHostCountry.Caption=Country
  647. lblGoogleLinks.Caption=Pages that link to the page:
  648. stLoginPasswordStrength.Hint=Password strength
  650. [TfrmDuplicatesFound]
  651. lblWarning.Caption=This address already exists in the collection!
  652. btnGoToLink.Caption=&Go to link
  653. btnSkip.Caption=&Skip
  654. btnSkipAll.Caption=&S&kip all
  655. btnAddAll.Caption=&A&dd all
  657. [TfrmPasswordGenerator]
  658. frmPasswordGenerator.Caption=Password generator
  659. gbRules.Caption=Random password generation rules
  660. lblPasswordLength.Caption=Password length
  661. chkUseLowercase.Caption=Use lo&wercase letters
  662. chkUseUppercase.Caption=Use &UPPERCASE letters
  663. chkUseDigits.Caption=Use &digits
  664. chkUseSymbols.Caption=Use &special symbols
  665. lblSymbols.Caption=Special symbols
  666. chkUseTemplate.Caption=Use &mask
  667. btnGenerate.Caption=&Generate
  668. edPassword.EditButton.Hint=Show/hide password
  669. chkCopyToClipboard.Caption=Copy the password to clipboard
  671. [TfrmAutoCompleteSequence]
  672. btnAddToSequence1.Hint=Add to sequence
  673. TreeStringMacros.Header[0]=Text  variables
  674. TreeKeystrokes.Header[0]=Keystrokes
  675. TreeSequence.Header[0]=Sequence
  677. [TfrmFormFiller]
  678. frmFormFiller.Caption=Form Filler Options
  679. tabFields.Caption=Fields
  680. tabForms.Caption=Forms
  681. tabMenu.Caption=Menu
  682. lblField.Caption=Field
  683. lblForm.Caption=Form
  684. mmiFieldAddField.Caption='New field...'
  685. mmiFormAddForm.Caption='New field...'
  686. lblFieldValue.Caption=Value
  687. rbMenuFormsOnTheTop.Caption=At the top
  688. rbMenuFormsOnTheBottom.Caption=At the bottom
  689. chkMenuFormsAsSubmenu.Caption=As submenu
  690. chkFieldTabAfterField.Caption=Add <TAB> after the field
  691. chkMenuRememberLastSelectedItem.Caption=Remember the last selected item
  692. chkMenuShowHints.Caption=Show hints
  694. [TfrmImportWizard]
  695. frmImportWizard.Caption=Import Wizard
  696. lblStep1.Caption=Welcome to the Import Wizard!
  697. lblStep11.Caption=This wizard will help you to import your bookmarks and shortcuts from various sources to Link Commander's bookmark collection.
  698. lblStep12.Caption=What do you want to do?
  699. rbImportExpress.Caption=Express - Use the most common import settings.
  700. rbImportCustom.Caption=Custom - Select each import setting myself.
  701. lblSource.Caption=Select a source for import
  702. chkNSSourceProfile.Caption=Profile
  703. cmbIESourceFolderType.Items[0]=Current User Favorites
  704. cmbIESourceFolderType.Items[1]=Common Favorites
  705. lblTarget.Caption=Destination collection
  706. lblTargetFolder.Caption=Destination folder
  707. chkPreventDuplicates.Caption=Prevent &duplicates
  708. chkIgnoreEmptyFolders.Caption=Ignore &empty folders
  709. chkCreateRootFolder.Caption=Create &root folder
  710. lblImportWhat.Caption=Import
  711. cmbImportWhat.Items[0]=All bookmarks
  712. cmbImportWhat.Items[1]=Selected bookmarks only
  713. lblStep4.Caption=Click Import to continue with the import, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings.
  714. lblPrepareSource.Caption=Searching source bookmarks
  715. lblPreventDuplicates.Caption=Searching duplicates
  716. lblIgnoreEmptyFolders.Caption=Searching empty folders
  717. lblImport.Caption=Importing bookmarks
  719. [TfrmExportWizard]
  720. frmExportWizard.Caption=Export Wizard
  721. lblStep1.Caption=Welcome to the Export Wizard!
  722. lblStep11.Caption=This wizard will help you to export your bookmarks from your Link Commander's collection to various destinations such as Internet Explorer Favorites, Firefox Bookmarks, Opera Bookmarks, etc.
  723. rbExportExpress.Caption=Express - Use the most common export settings.
  724. rbExportCustom.Caption=Custom - Select each export setting myself.
  725. lblTarget.Caption=Select a target for export
  726. lblExportWhat.Caption=Export
  727. lblSource.Caption=Source collection
  728. lblSourceFolder.Caption=Sourсe folder
  729. lblStep4.Caption=Click Export to continue with the export, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings.
  730. lblExport.Caption=Exporting bookmarks
  733. [TfrmPortableWizard]
  734. frmPortableWizard.Caption=Portable Copy Wizard
  735. lblStep1.Caption=Welcome to the Portable Copy Wizard!
  736. lblStep11.Caption=This wizard will help you to create a portable copy of Link Commander on one of your mobile devices, such as flash disk, flash card, external hard disk, etc. With the portable copy you will be able to use Link Commander on any computer that the device is connected to.
  737. lblStep12.Caption=To continue click Next.
  738. lblStep21.Caption=Select a drive where you want to place the portable copy, then click Next.
  739. DriveTree.Header[0]=Drive
  740. DriveTree.Header[1]=Total space (KB)
  741. DriveTree.Header[2]=Free space (KB)
  742. chkFloppy.Caption=Floppy drives
  743. chkFixed.Caption=Fixed (hard) drives
  744. chkRemovable.Caption=Removable drives
  745. chkCDROM.Caption=CD-ROM drives
  746. lblStep31.Caption=The wizard will create the portable copy in the following folder. You can select a different folder from the existing folders list or type a new. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
  747. btnAddFolder.Caption=New folder
  748. lblStep41.Caption=Additionally, you can create the Autorun.inf file on your mobile device. This file will start Link Commander automatically when the device is inserted.
  749. lblStep42.Caption=Please note: Autorun.inf will work on CDs, DVDs only - this does not apply to USB flash drives, or other types of external USB storage (except some specific models).
  750. lblStep43.Caption=However, to add the capability to autostart any USB devices on your computer(s) you can use the Smart AutoPlay utility.
  751. lblSmartAutoRunHome.Caption=Smart AutoPlay home
  752. chkCreateAutorunInf.Caption=Create the Autorun.inf file
  753. lblStep51.Caption=The wizard is now ready to create the portable copy. Click Finish to create the copy, or click Back to review or change any settings.
  754. lblCreating.Caption=Please wait. A portable copy is creating...
  756. [TfrmLimitation]
  757. Label1.Caption=Since this is a demo, a limit has been placed on the number of bookmarks that can be added to certain bookmark collection.
  758. Label2.Caption=You cannot add more than 100 bookmarks to each collection.
  759. Label3.Caption=Of course, this limitation does not exist in the full working version.
  761. [LocalStrings]
  762. RS_ClearList=Clear list
  763. RS_TrialPeriodHasExpired=Thank you for using Link Commander!'<13><10><13><10>Unfortunately your version has expired. As result all the save features has been disabled. You can still launch the program but cannot save any modified or created collections. If you still want to use the program, please register it.<13><10><13><10>Please click the "Online registration" button below to purchase Link Commander. If you already purchased the software from us, click the "Enter your registration key" button to register your copy.<13><10><13><10>If you have any questions regarding purchasing or registration, please, send a letter to support@resortlabs.com. We will be happy to help you.
  764. RS_EnterRegistrationKey=&Enter your registration key
  766. RS_SaveChanges=Save changes to collection "%1"?
  767. RS_CouldNotSave=Could not save "%1" because that<13><10>collection is currently open. Save using a different name, or<13><10>close the collection and try again.
  768. RS_AccessDenied=Access denied!
  769. RS_CopyError=You cannot move folder<13><10>'%1'<13><10>to itself or own subfolder<13><10>'%2'!
  770. RS_UnableToCreate=Unable to create target file.
  771. RS_UnableToOpen=Unable to open target file.
  772. RS_UnableToSaveCollection=Unable to save collection.
  773. RS_FileAlreadyExists=File "%1"<13><10>already exists. Overwrite?
  774. RS_FileAlreadyExists2=File "%1"<13><10>already exists. What do you prefer?
  775. RS_ThankYou=Thank you for your registration!<13><10>Now, to complete the process of registration,<13><10>you have to restart the program.
  776. RS_LatestVersion=You are using the latest version of Link Commander.
  777. RS_FailedToDownload=Failed to download information of the new version.
  778. RS_NewVersion1=New version %1  is available!
  779. RS_NewVersion2=What's new in this version?
  780. RS_NewVersion3=Would you like to download it now?
  781. RS_NamesAreDifferent=Names of target collection and backup copy are different.<13><10>Continue?
  782. RS_AskToClearList=Do you really want to clear this list?
  783. RS_LinkNotFound=The link %1<13><10>not found in collection %2.
  784. RS_FinishedSearching=Finished searching the document.
  785. RS_Reminder=Reminder
  786. RS_NoDescription=There is no description on this page.
  787. RS_NoKeywords=There is no keywords on this page.
  788. RS_AddressIsNotAccessible=Address %1<13><10>is not accessible.
  789. RS_BadPassword=The passwords you typed do not match.<13><10>Type the new password in both text boxes.
  790. RS_Import1=Import completed successfully!
  791. RS_Import2=%1 link(s) and %2 folder(s) were imported into the collection.
  792. RS_Import3=No items to import found.
  793. RS_Export1=Export completed successfully!
  794. RS_Export2=%1 link(s) and %2 folder(s) were exported from the collection.
  795. RS_Export3=No items to export found.
  796. RS_Export4=%1 link(s) were exported from the collection.
  797. RS_Sync1=Synchronizing completed successfully!
  798. RS_Sync2=%1 link(s) and %2 folder(s) were added.
  799. RS_Sync3=%1 link(s) and %2 folder(s) were updated.
  800. RS_Sync4=%1 link(s) and %2 folder(s) were removed.
  801. RS_NoBrokenLinks=No broken links found.
  802. RS_ShowBugReport=Show &bug report
  803. RS_HideBugReport=Hide &bug report
  804. RS_WizardFinish=&Finish
  805. RS_WizardNext=&Next >
  806. RS_WizardName=Collection name
  807. RS_WizardDescription=Description
  808. RS_WizardIESync=Auto-synchronization with IE Favorites
  809. RS_WizardOn=On
  810. RS_WizardOff=Off
  811. RS_WizardImport=Import from
  812. RS_WizardNone=None
  814. RS_WizardStep2=Auto-Synchronization
  815. RS_WizardStep2Desc=Should Link Commander synchronize this collection with IE Favorites in real time?
  816. RS_WizardStep3=Information for Import
  817. RS_WizardStep3Desc=Where should your bookmarks be imported from?
  818. RS_WizardStep4=Ready to Create a New Collection
  819. RS_WizardStep4Desc=The Wizard is now ready to create the new collection.
  821. RS_Wizard2Step2=Select Destination Drive
  822. RS_Wizard2Step2Desc=Where should the portable copy be created?
  823. RS_Wizard2Step3=Select Destination Folder
  824. RS_Wizard2Step3Desc=Where exactly should the portable copy be created?
  825. RS_Wizard2Step4=Select Additional Option
  826. RS_Wizard2Step4Desc=Do you want to create the Autorun.inf file?
  827. RS_Wizard2Step5=Ready to Create a Portable Copy
  828. RS_Wizard2Step5Desc=The Wizard is now ready to create the portable copy.
  830. RS_WizardImportStep1=Import Source
  831. RS_WizardImportStep1Desc=What do you want to import?
  832. RS_WizardImportStep2=Import Destination
  833. RS_WizardImportStep2Desc=Please select target folder for import.
  834. RS_WizardImportStep3=Set Additional Settings
  835. RS_WizardImportStep3Desc=Set additional import settings.
  836. RS_WizardImportStep4=Ready to Import
  837. RS_WizardImportStep4Desc=The wizard is now ready to begin the import process.
  838. RS_WizardImportStep5=Import Is Running
  839. RS_WizardImportStep5Desc=Please wait... The Wizard is importing your bookmarks.
  841. RS_WizardExportStep1=Export Source
  842. RS_WizardExportStep1Desc=What do you want to export?
  843. RS_WizardExportStep2=Export Destination
  844. RS_WizardExportStep2Desc=Please select target for export.
  845. RS_WizardExportStep3=Set Additional Settings
  846. RS_WizardExportStep3Desc=Set additional export settings.
  847. RS_WizardExportStep4=Ready to Export
  848. RS_WizardExportStep4Desc=The wizard is now ready to begin the export process.
  849. RS_WizardExportStep5=Export Is Running
  850. RS_WizardExportStep5Desc=Please wait... The Wizard is exporting your bookmarks.
  853. RS_Created=Created
  854. RS_LastModified=Last modified
  855. RS_More=More
  856. RS_NoRecentFiles=No recent files...
  857. RS_NewCollection=New Collection
  858. RS_CollectionProperties=Collection Properties
  859. RS_NewFolder=New Folder
  860. RS_Folder=Folder
  861. RS_FolderProperties=Folder Properties
  862. RS_NewLink=New Link
  863. RS_LinkProperties=Link Properties
  864. RS_Maximize=Maximize
  865. RS_Minimize=Minimize
  866. RS_Restore=Restore
  867. RS_OpenLinkInTheSamePage=Open link in the same page
  868. RS_OpenLinkInNewPage=Open in new page
  869. RS_VerifyNow=Verify now
  870. RS_CheckNow=Check now
  871. RS_Stop=Stop
  872. RS_Status=%1 folder(s), %2 link(s)
  873. RS_Selected=Selected %1 folder(s), %2 link(s)
  874. RS_ProtectCollection=Protect collection
  875. RS_ProtectFolder=Protect folder
  876. RS_File=File
  877. RS_ParentFolder=Parent Folder
  878. RS_GetDescription=Get description from the web page
  879. RS_GetKeywords=Get keywords from the web page
  880. RS_Cancel=&Cancel
  881. RS_OK=&OK
  882. RS_Apply=&Apply
  883. RS_Abort=&Abort
  884. RS_SettingBuiltInBrowser=Built-in browser
  885. RS_SettingColors=Colors
  886. RS_SettingFonts=Fonts
  887. RS_SettingConfirmations=Confirmations
  888. RS_SettingFavicons=Favicons
  889. RS_SettingFavorites=Favorites
  890. RS_SettingFilesAndProtocols=Files and protocols
  891. RS_SettingHomePage=Home page
  892. RS_SettingHotKeys=Hot keys
  893. RS_SettingNetwork=Network
  894. RS_SettingOperations=Operations
  895. RS_SettingProxy=Proxy
  896. RS_SettingSearchEngines=Search engines
  897. RS_SettingStartup=Startup
  898. RS_SettingUserInterface=User interface
  899. RS_SettingVerification=Verification
  900. RS_WebSearch=Search in %1
  901. RS_None=(none)
  902. RS_CollectionIsProtected=Collection is protected
  903. RS_CollectionEnterPassword=Enter password to access the collection.
  904. RS_FolderIsProtected=Folder is protected
  905. RS_FolderEnterPassword=Enter password to access the folder.
  906. RS_CopyLink=Copy link %1 to
  907. RS_MoveLink=Move link %1 to
  908. RS_CopyFolder=Copy folder %1 to
  909. RS_MoveFolder=Move folder %1 to
  910. RS_CopySelected=Copy %1 selected items to
  911. RS_MoveSelected=Move %1 selected items to
  912. RS_AddLink=Add link %1 to
  913. RS_Select=Select
  914. RS_SelectFolderCopy=Select a target folder for copying
  915. RS_SelectFolderMove=Select a target folder for moving
  916. RS_SelectFolderAdd=Select a target folder for adding
  917. RS_SelectParentFolder=Select a parent folder
  918. RS_SelectExportFolder=Select a source folder for export
  919. RS_SelectImportFolder=Select a target folder for import
  920. RS_SelectLeftFolder=Select a left folder for synchronization
  921. RS_SelectRightFolder=Select a right folder for synchronization
  922. RS_SelectTargetFolder=Select a target folder
  923. RS_SelectSearchFolder=Select a folder for search for duplicates
  924. RS_LeftPanel=left panel
  925. RS_RightPanel=right panel
  926. RS_QuestionDeleteSelectedItems=Do you really want to delete selected items?
  927. RS_QuestionDeleteLinks=Do you really want to delete selected links?
  928. RS_QuestionDeleteLink=Do you really want to delete the link<13><10>%1?
  929. RS_QuestionDeleteFolder=Do you really want to delete the folder<13><10>%1?
  930. RS_QuestionDeleteBrokenLinks=Do you really want to delete %1 broken link(s)?
  931. RS_QuestionDeleteFavoriteLink=Do you really want to delete the favorite link<13><10>%1?
  932. RS_QuestionDeleteDuplicates=Do you really want to delete %1 selected link(s)?
  933. RS_QuestionDeleteLoginInformation=Do you really want to delete this login information?
  934. RS_QuestionApply=The record was modified. Apply changes?
  935. RS_QuestionClearCache=Do you really want to clear cache?
  936. RS_QuestionClearHistory=Do you really want to clear history?
  937. RS_QuestionExit=Do you really want to exit from the program?
  938. RS_QuestionMultiOpening=Do you really want to open %1 links?
  939. RS_SyncCompare=Please press "Compare" to start
  940. RS_SyncFound=%1 link(s) found
  941. RS_Synchronizing=Synchronizing...
  942. RS_Scanning=Scanning %1
  943. RS_DuplFind=Please press "Find" to start
  944. RS_DuplFound=%1 duplicates found
  945. RS_Bookmarks=Bookmarks
  946. RS_Document=Document
  947. RS_CountTotal=Total: %1
  948. RS_CountSelected=Selected: %1
  949. RS_DeleteDuplicates=Search and deleting duplicates...
  950. RS_DeleteEmptyFolders=Search and deleting empty folders...
  951. RS_AsCopy=As a Copy
  952. RS_LinkCollections=Link Collections
  953. RS_SystemDefault=System default
  954. RS_BuiltInBrowser=Built-in browser
  955. RS_ColorsOtherBtnCaption=&Other colors...
  956. RS_ColorsOtherBtnHint=Open standard Windows Color Dialogue
  957. RS_ColorsOtherColBtnHint=Custom color from standard Windows Color Dialogue
  958. RS_SysColorActiveBorder=Active border
  959. RS_SysColorActiveCaption=Active caption
  960. RS_SysColorApplicationWorkspace=Application workspace
  961. RS_SysColorBackground=Background
  962. RS_SysColorButtonFace=Button face
  963. RS_SysColorButtonHighlight=Button highlight
  964. RS_SysColorButtonShadow=Button shadow
  965. RS_SysColorButtonText=Button text
  966. RS_SysColorCaptionText=Caption text
  967. RS_SysColorGradientActiveCaption=Gradient active caption
  968. RS_SysColorGradientInactiveCaption=Gradient inactive caption
  969. RS_SysColorGrayText=Gray text
  970. RS_SysColorHighlight=Highlight
  971. RS_SysColorHighlightText=Highlight text
  972. RS_SysColorInactiveBorder=Inactive border
  973. RS_SysColorInactiveCaption=Inactive caption
  974. RS_SysColorInactiveCaptionText=Inactive caption text
  975. RS_SysColorInfoBack=Info back
  976. RS_SysColorInfoText=Info text
  977. RS_SysColorMenu=Menu
  978. RS_SysColorMenuText=Menu text
  979. RS_SysColorScrollBar=Scroll bar
  980. RS_SysColor3DLight=3D light
  981. RS_SysColor3DShadow=3D shadow
  982. RS_SysColorWindow=Window
  983. RS_SysColorWindowFrame=Window frame
  984. RS_SysColorWindowText=Window text
  985. RS_RollDown=Roll down
  986. RS_RollUp=Roll up
  987. RS_StayOnTop=Stay on top
  988. RS_StartOfVerification=Start of verification
  989. RS_EndOfVerification=End of verification
  990. RS_Request=Request
  991. RS_Attempt=Attempt
  992. RS_ResultCode=Result code
  993. RS_Fault=Fault
  994. RS_UnregisteredVersion=Unregistered version
  995. RS_RegisteredVersion=Registered version
  996. RS_DemoVersion=Demo version
  997. RS_Version=Version
  998. RS_Support=Support
  999. RS_Tip1=If the same link collection is open in two panels simultaneously, changes applied to this collection in one of the panels are automatically reflected in the other panel.
  1000. RS_Tip2=You can move a folder or a link just by dragging it with your mouse.
  1001. RS_Tip3=If you hold down the Ctrl key, dragging a folder or a link with the mouse will result in copying it.
  1002. RS_Tip4=To make the panels exchange their places, drag the caption of one of them onto the other panel.
  1003. RS_Tip5=To add a link from Internet Explorer to one of the open collections, just use your mouse to drag it onto the Drop Trap.
  1004. RS_Tip6=A double click on the Drop Trap minimizes/restores the main window of the application.
  1005. RS_Tip7=A double click on the splitter between panels makes the width of both panels equal.
  1006. RS_Tip8=You can use the program settings to specify the hotkey to quickly access Favorite links.
  1007. RS_Tip9=A double click on the caption of a panel maximizes/restores its width.
  1008. RS_Tip10=To open a link collection, just drag and drop the file of this collection from Explorer onto one of the panels.
  1009. RS_Tip11=If you disable the confirmation prompt before copying/removing an item, you can enable it in the program settings.
  1010. RS_Tip12=You can use the "Reopen" menu to access link collections opened before.
  1011. RS_Tip13=You can synchronize any link collection with Internet Explorer Favorites on the fly by enabling the corresponding option in the properties of this collection.
  1012. RS_Tip14=For any link you can specify the web browser to open it in.
  1013. RS_Tip15=You can save search results as a separate link collection.
  1014. RS_Tip16=You can protect your collections and folders with a password on the "Security" tab in the properties of this collection/folder.
  1015. RS_Tip17=If several folders are protected with one and the same password, you can use the "Enter password" feature from the "File" menu to gain access to all of them at once.
  1016. RS_Tip18=To convert bookmarks from the format of one web browser into the format of another web browser, you can use the "Import" item from the "File" menu first and then the "Export" item from the same menu.
  1017. RS_Tip19=To synchronize your collections on different computers, you can first copy a backup of a collection to a floppy disk or some other portable media from one computer and then use the "Synchronize with backup copy" item from the "File" menu on another computer.
  1018. RS_Tip20=You can use the Supervisor tool to add links open in your web browsers to your link collection using the list on the "Active Links" tab.
  1019. RS_Tip21=To add a link from a page open in Internet Explorer, you can use the "Add to Link Commander collection" command from the context menu that you open with a right click on this link.
  1020. RS_Tip22=To quickly add information about a web page that is currently opened in the Internet Explorer, you can use the "Add to Link Commander collection" command from the "Service" menu or the corresponding button on the Internet Explorer toolbar.
  1021. RS_Separator=Separator
  1022. RS_EnteringPassword=By entering the password in this dialog box yow will get<13><10>an access to all folders protected the same password.
  1023. RS_IEPluginAddToCollection1=Add to collection
  1024. RS_IEPluginAddToCollection2=Adds current URL to Link Commander collection
  1025. RS_IEPluginAddToCollection3=Add to Link Commander collection
  1026. RS_IEPluginShowLinkCommander1=Show Link Commander
  1027. RS_IEPluginShowLinkCommander2=Shows Link Commander
  1028. RS_Unnamed=unnamed
  1029. RS_SearchResults=Search results
  1030. RS_Image_Files=Image files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.gif;*.png)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.gif;*.png
  1031. RS_Files_HTML=HTML files (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html
  1032. RS_Files_Text=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt
  1033. RS_Files_RichText=Rich Text files (*.rtf)|*.rtf
  1034. RS_Files_BMP=BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp;
  1035. RS_Files_GIF=GIF files (*.gif)|*.gif
  1036. RS_Files_JPEG=JPEG Files (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe
  1037. RS_Files_PNG=PNG files (*.png)|*.png
  1038. RS_Files_ART=ART files (*.art)|*.art
  1039. RS_Files_AU=AU files (*.au)|*.au
  1040. RS_Files_AIFF=AIFF files (*.aiff)|*.aiff
  1041. RS_Files_XBM=XBM files (*.xbm)|*.xbm
  1042. RS_Files_XML=XML files (*.xml)|*.xml
  1043. RS_Files_All=All files (*.*)|*.*
  1044. RS_CustomizeToolbars=Customize toolbars
  1045. RS_Toolbars=Toolbars
  1046. RS_Commands=Commands
  1047. RS_MoveDown=Move &down
  1048. RS_MoveUp=Move &up
  1049. RS_Style=Style
  1050. RS_ImagesOnly=Images only
  1051. RS_TextOnly=Text only
  1052. RS_ImagesAndText=Images and text
  1053. RS_ImagesAboveText=Images above text
  1054. RS_ImageSize=Image size
  1055. RS_Backup=Backup
  1056. RS_RestoreCollection=Restore a backup
  1057. RS_Pages=Pages
  1058. RS_StoredOnClipboard=Stored on the clipboard at %1
  1059. RS_SearchForText=Text
  1060. RS_SearchForDate=Date
  1061. RS_SearchForBrokenLinks=Broken links
  1062. RS_SearchForNotVerifiedLinks=Not verified links
  1063. RS_CreationDate=Creation date
  1064. RS_LastModificationDate=Last modification date
  1065. RS_LastVisitDate=Last visit date
  1066. RS_LastVerificationDate=Last verification date
  1067. RS_Today=Today
  1068. RS_Yesterday=Yesterday
  1069. RS_SpecifiedDate=Specified date
  1070. RS_BeforeSpecifiedDate=Before specified date
  1071. RS_AfterSpecifiedDate=After specified date
  1072. RS_CustomPeriod=Custom period
  1073. RS_From=From
  1074. RS_Until=Until
  1075. RS_Date=Date
  1076. RS_Offline=Offline
  1077. RS_Online=Online
  1078. RS_WebPage=Web page
  1079. RS_WebPageTitle=Title Tag
  1080. RS_WebPageKeywords=Meta Keywords Tag
  1081. RS_WebPageDescription=Meta Description Tag
  1082. RS_WebPageLinks=Outbound links
  1083. RS_WebPageHostInfo=Host info
  1084. RS_Google=Google
  1085. RS_GooglePR=Google PR
  1086. RS_GooglePageRank=PageRank
  1087. RS_GoogleBackwardLinks=Inbound links
  1088. RS_GoogleShowRelatedLinks=Find pages similar to the page
  1089. RS_GoogleShowBackwardLinks=Find pages that link to the page
  1090. RS_Alexa=Alexa
  1091. RS_AlexaRank=Alexa Traffic Rank
  1092. RS_AlexaSiteStats=Site statistics
  1093. RS_AlexaContactInfo=Contact info
  1094. RS_AlexaRelatedLinks=Related links
  1095. RS_AlexaCategories=Categories
  1096. RS_AlexaShowOverview=Show overview
  1097. RS_AlexaShowTrafficDetails=Show traffic details
  1098. RS_AlexaShowIncomingLinks=Show incoming links
  1099. RS_AlexaShowRelatedLinks=Show related links
  1100. RS_AlexaStreet=Street
  1101. RS_AlexaSourceXML=Source XML
  1102. RS_VerySlow=Very slow
  1103. RS_Slow=Slow
  1104. RS_Average=Average
  1105. RS_Fast=Fast
  1106. RS_VeryFast=Very fast
  1107. RS_Faster=%1% of sites are faster
  1108. RS_Slower=%1% of sites are slower
  1109. RS_AvgLoadTime=avg load time: %1 sec.
  1110. RS_NotAvailable=Not available
  1111. RS_DestinationLocation=Destination location
  1112. RS_Smallest=Smallest
  1113. RS_Small=Small
  1114. RS_Large=Large
  1115. RS_Largest=Largest
  1116. RS_InternetExplorerFavorites=Internet Explorer Favorites
  1117. RS_OperaBookmarks=Opera Bookmarks
  1118. RS_NetscapeBookmarks=Netscape Bookmarks
  1119. RS_MozillaBookmarks=Mozilla Bookmarks
  1120. RS_FirefoxBookmarks=Firefox Bookmarks
  1121. RS_HTMLDocument=HTML Document
  1122. RS_XBELBookmarks=XBEL Bookmarks
  1123. RS_Limitation=This feature is available in registered version only!
  1124. RS_Aborted=Operation aborted by user.
  1125. RS_PortableCopySuccess=The portable copy was createted successfully.
  1126. RS_PortableCopyFailure=Unable to create the portable copy.
  1127. RS_FreeSpace=Free space available on %1: %2 K
  1128. RS_Copying=Copying %1...
  1129. RS_Source=Source
  1130. RS_Target=Target
  1131. RS_SelectSourceFolderForImport=Select a source folder for import
  1132. RS_SelectTargetFolderForExport=Select a target folder for export
  1133. RS_OpenLinksInNewTabs=Open links in new tabs
  1134. RS_Duplicates=Duplicates
  1135. RS_Synchronization=Synchronization
  1136. RS_Modified=Modified
  1137. RS_Weak=Weak
  1138. RS_Medium=Medium
  1139. RS_Strong=Strong
  1140. RS_Best=Best
  1141. RS_Browse=Browse
  1142. RS_FileFound=File found
  1143. RS_FileNotFound=File not found
  1144. RS_FormFiller=&Form Filler
  1145. RS_Error_InformationMsg_Caption=Information.
  1146. RS_Error_QuestionMsg_Caption=Question.
  1147. RS_Error_ErrorMsg_Caption=Error.
  1148. RS_Error_Dialog_Caption=Error occured
  1149. RS_Error_ErrorMsgCaption=The application has encountered a problem. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  1150. RS_Error_RestartCaption=Restart application
  1151. RS_Error_TerminateCaption=Terminate application
  1152. RS_Error_PleaseCaption=Please tell us about this problem.
  1153. RS_Error_DescriptionCaption=We have created an error report that you can send to us. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.
  1154. RS_Error_SeeDetailsCaption=To see what data the error report contains,
  1155. RS_Error_SeeClickCaption=click here.
  1156. RS_Error_HowToReproduceCaption=What were you doing when the problem happended (optional)?
  1157. RS_Error_EmailCaption=Email address (optional)
  1158. RS_Error_SendButtonCaption=&Send Error Report
  1159. RS_Error_NoSendButtonCaption=&Don't Send
  1160. RS_Error_ErrorMsgCaption2=An error has occurred during program execution.<13><10>Please read the following information for further details.
  1161. RS_Error_TerminateButtonCaption=&Terminate
  1162. RS_Error_RestartButtonCaption=&Restart
  1163. RS_Error_SendMessage=&Send this error via Internet
  1164. RS_Error_ScreenshotMessage=&Attach a Screenshot image
  1165. RS_Error_CopyMessage=&Copy to Clipboard
  1166. RS_Error_SendDialog_Caption=Please wait.
  1167. RS_Error_SendDialog_Message=Message
  1168. RS_Error_SendDialog_Resolving=Resolving DNS...
  1169. RS_Error_SendDialog_Login=Login...
  1170. RS_Error_SendDialog_Connecting=Connecting with server...
  1171. RS_Error_SendDialog_Connected=Connected with server.
  1172. RS_Error_SendDialog_Sending=Sending message...
  1173. RS_Error_SendDialog_Sent=Message sent.
  1174. RS_Error_SendDialog_SelectProject=Select project...
  1175. RS_Error_SendDialog_Searching=Searching...
  1176. RS_Error_SendDialog_Modifying=Modifying...
  1177. RS_Error_SendDialog_Disconnecting=Disconnecting...
  1178. RS_Error_SendDialog_Disconnected=Disconnected.
  1179. RS_Error_Send_SuccessMsg=The message was sent successfully.
  1180. RS_Error_Send_FailureMsg=Sorry, sending the message didn't work.
  1181. RS_Error_Send_BugClosedMsg=This BUG is just closed.<13><10>Contact the program support to obtain an update.
  1182. RS_Error_Send_UnknownErrorMsg=Unknown error.
  1183. RS_Error_Send_InvalidLoginMsg=Invalid login request.
  1184. RS_Error_Send_InvalidSearchMsg=Invalid search request.
  1185. RS_Error_Send_InvalidSelectionMsg=Invalid selection request.
  1186. RS_Error_Send_InvalidInsertMsg=Invalid insert request.
  1187. RS_Error_Send_InvalidModifyMsg=Invalid modify request.